Associazione Ponte. 10 years of commitment and solidarity

PONTE actively carries out projects that are conceived by local groups (communities,
associations, educational centres, schools) in order to promote tailor-made changes that are
adapted to different cultures.

Support from abroad is realised through shared objectives, financial aid, knowledge, support for
capacity building, monitoring and participatory evaluation.

Our commitment

PONTE promotes a culture of solidarity
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Our projects

PONTE carries out solidarity activities in Italy and Haiti
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CEAL Haiti

The Community Centre: a meeting space and school for children with special needs
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Contribute to ongoing projects

From our Facebook page

100% of the funds raised are used in the projects

Our stories

Sabine's experience

International volunteer expert in Special Pedagogy, Sabine tells us about her experience in Haiti
Read the story

Rose Carmele at CEAL

Rose Carmele is a student at CEAL. In this video she tells us about her experience
Watch the video

Solidarity gifts

Giving a gift to someone and at the same time halping a Haitian child multiplies the value of a gesture!

Long distance adoption

Long distance school adoption allows children in situations of severe poverty to go to school.